Common Questions

The following links to information is based on questions we have received from members about the Security Fund. Should you not find what you are looking for, please feel free to contact us directly.

The Benefits of Self Insuring

What is the Alternative Security Program (ASP)?

Does the Security Fund make assessments?

What is the assessment structure?

What is a default?

What happens if I leave self-insurance?

Good Standing Policy

The California Self-Insurers' Security Fund:

Question: What is the Security Fund’s purpose?

Answer: The Security Fund’s purpose is to ensure that employees receive payment of workers’ compensation benefits if a private self-insured employer defaults on its workers’ compensation benefit obligations.

Question: How does the Security Fund accomplish this?

Answer: The workers’ compensation programs of self-insured employers are closely monitored by the State of California. If the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations determines that an employer cannot meet its workers’ compensation obligations, the Director may order that the claims be turned over to the Fund. Once the claims are given to the Fund, we handle them through conclusion and make every effort to provide benefits in a timely manner.
